"NEW SKIN"Protected method in treating bigger skin and soft tissue damages. Author is delivering to us book named "New Skin". In this book are presented cases that could not been resolved with other methods. |
"ABDOMINAL PAIN"The most common reason for bringing your child to a doctor is the ABDOMINAL PAIN. |
Punisa Belic inDusan Pajic and co-authors "Pediatric surgery" |
Punisa Belic inTibor Somer and Svetolik Avramov "Injury complications" |
Punisa Belic inDusan Pajic and Hajredin Ukeli "Early discovery and treating of most common inborn defects" |
Punisa Belic inBranislav Danicic and Dragoslav Stevovic "Infections in abdominal surgery" |
Punisa Belic inSvetolik Avramov and Tibor Somer "Therapy of injuries" |