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Punisa BelicBiography

After finishing high school in Zrenjanin, Punisa Belic subscribed and finished School of Medicine in Novi Sad. His first designation was as an assistant on Department of Physiology, in the same school. After introducing with laboratory works, he crossed into a clinic for Pediatricsurgery. He, also, finished specialization in this medical area. Topic of his master work was “Pathologically-morphological forms of acute appendicitis in children with comparatively morphological preview of dog’s appendix”. Afterwards, Punisa is specializing on Hyperbaric medicine, with Dr Nikola Dekleva. He defended his medical dissertation combining issues from both of his specializations, under the title of: “Hyperbaric oxygenation in children with spacious injuries of soft tissue”.
Punisa patent his personal method for healing skin injuries, under the title of: “Amniotic membranes in healing skin and soft tissues injuries.”  He published a book in that medical area, in Serbian and English language, naming it: “New skin”.
As he is occupied with abdominal issues in children, he wrote a book: “Abdominal pain”. Special headline is: “Child as a surgery patient”. In that topic and edition is also a book: “Lymphadenitis mesenterialis”, or “Mesenteric adenitis”.
This book is unique too, because it is issuing with problems that no one has ever written about. It is about disease with similar indication as appendicitis. Similar, but not the same. The importance in distinction of these two diseases is in further differences: appendicitis is resolved with operation and Lymphadenitis mesenterialis with medicaments. Great contribution is in avoiding of unnecessary laparathomy, and all included complications. Famous surgeon Billroth Albert Christian Theodor wrote: “One surgeon needs to know when is needed, and when is not needed to open abdominal cavity”. Also wrote about Right brothers: “For the first time in history a man has been able to fly in heavier then air machine”. We are proud, because we can write: This is Lymphadenitis mesenterialis, and it's treating is with medicaments. On the contrary, appendicitis is treated with operation. Before us, no one could tell that.
Punisa Belic is co-author in writing books, text-books and monographies and you can find their names on this site.
In favour of understanding methods of healing with Amnionic membranes and its results, author have published short films ranged as a monography of international significance. They are presented on this site. Prof. Dr sc. Med. Punisa Belic is working on Clinic for Pediatric surgery on Institute for children’s and adult’s health care in Vojvodina. He is university professor in Surgery department of School of Medicine in Novi Sad.

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